Software > N.A.N.Y. 2009
NANY 2009 Release: CrazyLittleFingers
Did a round of beta testing with v0.0.0.1 and my daughter loved it, she instantly knew that the buttons she was pressing were changing the images on screen.
Perry, not sure if I need to restrict the mouse as the program runs full screen, always on top, but I will keep it in mind.
Currently Ctrl-Alt-Delete is the key sequence to exit the program, this also has the side effect of bring up Task Manager, but I guess I could use an AHK script to control the exit of the program, ie. by capturing those keys and prompting for a password.
Thanks for the ideas.
One of the easiest ways to restrict mouse usage is to use a USB mouse and unplug it and put it in a locked drawer.
I was thinking how this would be good if it autolaunched after a certain length of system idle time, in case you step away and forget to run it.
If you would like to use it, I did create a utility for that awhile back:
Skrommel has a great similar utility called ToddlerTrap that locks the keyboard and the mouse (except for one tiny little place to close out the program) that you might be able to look at for some ideas.
Perry Mowbray:
I was thinking how this would be good if it autolaunched after a certain length of system idle time, in case you step away and forget to run it.
-app103 (December 14, 2008, 07:37 PM)
--- End quote ---
:Thmbsup: This is such a clever and simple idea!!
Thanks App, I was thinking of having some kind of ScreenSaver option as a feature, but I think I might incorporate IdleStart as a configurable option within CrazyLittleFingers!
Deozaan, yeah I check out ToddlerTrap, Skrommel hasn't done anything about Ctrl-Alt-Delete, and I can only assume this is intentional. ;)
Keep the awesome ideas coming people! :Thmbsup:
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