I did acknowledge XP's utility, however, where exactly is the untruth and "religious belief" in my response to "For your normal user, there is little reason not to run Windows"? (emphasis mine)
No big deal. I disagreed and gave 11 specific reasons based on my experience with Linux as a reasonable alternative to Windows...
"Let there be Light"... and there is light
Basically statement like the above gives religious impression. (Guess who said that)
I mean your 11 reasons probably are not religion founded, but the way you have stated them, is.

e.g. you have stated:
- Viruses and Spyware (no need to buy any of that; and viruses are nil)
- Fun! (I haven't had this much fun on a computer since Win95.)
Lets see how I put mine for DOS6:
- Viruses and Spyware
a) The population of DOS6 user is very small relatively (compare to the most popular O/S - Windows), so no Virus is interested in attacking DOS6, because ... it is hard to find DOS6 user, too few of them.
b) Even if there are many Viruses waiting on-line to attack DOS6 user, but generally they still won't fall a victim because there is no Internet Browser in DOS6 ... DOS6 users basically don't go on line, the viruses simply got no chance.
As a conclusion, no need to buy any of that; and viruses are nil
- Fun!
a) I am kind of person who like to torture myself, very very much. For example, I like to spend hours after hours just to find out why a device does not work in DOS6, even though I know ahead there is no documentation to help.
b) Sometime I could go on line and ask one million experts a few billion times in order to find out how to configure a device driver for DOS6... even if I am told there is no driver for certain device ... etc
c) I am lucky that I enjoy setting up DOS6 environment bit by bit until I got my heart attack... I am happily dying just for that... which I think could be a torture to most other people.
As a conclusion, I have had this much fun on a computer with DOS since ver 6
Well, you need to have strong ground in order to support your reasons like what I have done, right?