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Sticky Keys Ahk request

<< < (2/5) > >>

I tested your script, still nothing. I turned them off then on then off again manually but no warning! Maybe it will only work if I lose them without doing anything, which does happen... I'll run for while and see what happens... :Thmbsup:

Thanks... :)

Just lost StickyKeys - no pop up....

What OS are you using? I tested under WinXP. If you're not using WinXP, check the registry and see what the value is set to when the Sticky Keys are on and then change it in the script.

I'm on XP Home...SP3

Registry values match!

So when you lose the Sticky Keys, have you checked to see what the registry value is set at right after you lose them? If so, what is the value set at? If not, look and see without the script running. I get 510 when off and 511 when on. If you're saying the values match, then Im not too sure what the problem could be. Has anyone else tested the script or have any ideas?


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