Software > N.A.N.Y. 2009
NANY 2009 Release: LifeSaver diary
Could I run this on 2 (or more) machines at the same time and use a single datastore on a mapped or network drive?
I have 2 main PCs I use all day in separate places on the same LAN and I need to be able to type notes and "todos" from either machine and be able to see them on both machines
Best regards
Could I run this on 2 (or more) machines at the same time and use a single datastore on a mapped or network drive?
-Dex (January 10, 2009, 05:42 AM)
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If the app was only running on one machine at a time, it would work, but I'm not recommending it. If it were me, I'd forget to close the app on one machine and muck everything up.
I hate to work against myself, but I'd advise you to look elsewhere. You might consider EverNote, which is designed to sync notes between multiple computers (and if you snag an old Version 2, it will do so right through a file share rather than their over-the-web service). Or take a look at Stickies, which allows you to create sticky notes on your desktop, and has a feature allowing network sync.
I clicked on one of the calendar navigational buttons by accident, after entering some things into an entry. When I went back to look later I realized that some info was missing, so I did a little test, typing in some numbers in this series: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (with no space after the 1) and the only thing which was saved was the data prior to 5, 4, 3 (with no space after the 3). It appears that the last 6 characters I type are lost if I click on a navigational button in the calendar itself without clicking on anything else first. -ssoundman (January 09, 2009, 01:03 PM)
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Thanks for alerting me to this bug. I've just posted a new update, version 1.0.3298, that should fix this problem. There are no other changes in this build. You can get the latest version from the original post in this thread.
Wow, that was fast! :Thmbsup: Thanks a lot.
Wow, that was fast! :Thmbsup: Thanks a lot.
-ssoundman (January 11, 2009, 07:19 PM)
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It turns out to have been any easy fix. I can't make promises for the future :huh:
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