Software > N.A.N.Y. 2009
NANY 2009 Release: JustCloseSomeTasks 1.21
Perry Mowbray:
Training is a great idea! So JCST would remember the InactiveSeconds of closed windows and the TotalWindowsLeft and average them over time? Or the minimum? You'd need an option to reset the "training", or maybe that should be "forget" the training.
The ability to check which ones to delete give ultimate control!
A WhiteList might be a good idea. I often leave the browser open to get back to it later, and I don't really want it closed.
:) I also appreciate the feedback for the doubleClicks!
I'd also use a minimize window as well (I tend to have my screens a little cluttered).
Thanks again Perry you really help me with your comments! Not sure if how I would compute the time, I think i have to just try different strategies and see what happens. Whitelist will be added, as well as a forget training button.
I'd also use a minimize window as well (I tend to have my screens a little cluttered).
-Perry Mowbray (December 10, 2008, 06:48 AM)
--- End quote ---
What do you mean with this though?
Perry Mowbray:
The current option is to close the window. I think I'd also use minimize window. I have two monitors and with all that real estate you get lazy (ask anyone living on acres).
The whole training thing is an interesting question (you've got me wondering). I guess having various criteria that will calculate a point score. A little like spam, so that you could weight the different aspects differently.
* Age is greater than AbsoluteMinimumAge = 1 point
* Age is greater than AbsoluteMaximumAge = 10 points
* Age is greater than MeanAge = 5 points
* WindowNumber is greater than AbsouluteMinimumWindowsLeft = 3 points
* ???
I wonder about an option to automatically open the window when a certain number of windows get to be a certain age?
Version 1.04
Date: 16:29:13, 10 December 2008
* Exclude start menu, program manager from the list
* Context menu to Switch to, Minimize, and Exit tasks
* FIX: No longer forgetting to close some tasks when several tasks are checked
* Icon added
Help -> Check for Updates to update
Version 1.05
* beta woo
* statistics (under file menu)
* training mode after first 10 items where checks are set against average time for inactive closed apps
* reset training data option added to preferences
* interface now correctly shows expiry time
* exe is now portable by itself, on first run it will extract all required files
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