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Recommend some music videos to me!

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Robert Fripp - The First Day -

Although I that that there are only three horsemen.  Anthrax is on a second tier.  And slayer got pissy because they weren't playing The Four Horsemen.
-wraith808 (October 31, 2015, 10:42 AM)
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life can be complicated ;D

re John Lennon and Rock n Roll,
I have fond memories of his 'Rock 'n' Roll' album. Haven't heard it in donkeys years, but found it as a playlist on YT.

Evanescence - My Last Breath (turn up the volume)
Can someone tell me where I can find the real original video (if it exists, this is made of clips from Lithium) ?

L'One - Океан (Russian rap)

Traci Lords - Fallen Angel (Yes, that Traci Lords - techno/trance)

Enigma - Seven Lives

Traci Lords - Fallen Angel (Yes, that Traci Lords - techno/trance)
-4wd (November 01, 2015, 10:16 PM)
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She actually did some pretty good stuff for a while in the music industry... and on the Mortal Kombat soundtrack.

Helps that it was one of the best fights in the movie.

^ I'll admit that I have her 1000 Firesw CD :-[


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