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Recommend some music videos to me!
I keeping with my current theme of late 60s early 70s blues/rock female vocalists, lets not forget Linda Ronstadt - that tiny little lady with that great big voice.
Later in her career she branched into musical theater and the so-called Great American Songbook. But prior to that, she owned any rock stage she walked out on.
Here's Linda Ronstadt, at the top of her game, performing the Eagles tune Desperado. This video is from her legendary 1977 appearance in Atlanta GA during her Simple Dreams tour. Many Ronstadt fans consider this to be her definitive concert. Even with the limitations of the era's recording technology, the power of this woman's voice comes through loud and clear.
Listen to it here.
If it meets with your approval, also check out Blue Bayou and her take on the Rolling Stones song Tumblin' Dice with a segue into You're No Good.
Just goes to prove big sound can come in small packages. :) :Thmbsup:
It's friday.
(Rebecca Black, Friday -- this song is making the rounds for being ridiculously bad but i honestly like the pureness of it)
I'm trying to have respect for the girl mousey, but other than TGIF I see zero appeal about that clip. The post-production that warps her voice grates my ears, the lyrics are horribly repetitive and the visuals itself are pretty plain.. so the only thing I can really respect her for is that she's not bouncing around like a girl who got lost on her way to the pool.
Now this is some epic music: clickety.
@ worstje -Awesome! I'm gonna hire that cat next time I need some keyboard tracks laid down. :Thmbsup:
Ugh, mouser!
After watching ~10 seconds of that video, I needed a healthy dose of Suicide Commando. Unfortunately I couldn't find any interesting videos to link to, but F*** You B**** would've been pretty appropriate - or perhaps Bind, Torture, Kill :)
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