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Recommend some music videos to me!

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A fav of mine for down and out blues. Seasick Steve doing I Started Out with Nothing (and I Still Got Most of It Left!)


I propose a video with Tab Benoit e Janiva Magness, where Janiva Magness plays a curious instrument...

^ That would be a Zydeco Rubberboard or Frottoir if you speak Cajun French.

Can't say I've ever seen quite like Janiva's however...

Ah, the French! Always jus' a leetle bit diff'ren...;D :Thmbsup:

And Janiva Magness was always a trip and a half when onstage. ;)

This next isn't a video. It's a trailer for The Invisible Lighthouse - an interactive movie/solo-performance by Thomas Dolby. Currently touring the USA October 2013. Info on locations and dates here.

I saw Dolby perform live some years ago and was totally blown away by the blend of fine music wedded to absolute technical sophistication. This gentleman is definitely worth seeing of you get the chance.

Getting back more firmly on topic, here's the EP single of Ocenea, a haunting song which figures in The Invisible Lighthouse.

And for those who wonder just how well Tom Dolby could handle what he does solo in a live venue, here's a live solo performance of Europa and the Pirate Twins to give you some idea of what you can expect.

 :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

I just head about "Chillstep" last night and have been enjoying a few of these OverHertz tracks:


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