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Recommend some music videos to me!

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Felicia Day immediately followed by Florence Welch?

What can I say other than: Go Gingers!  :-*


Here's some basic kick-ass rock from Grace Potter and the Nocturnals.

Here's some basic kick-ass rock from Grace Potter and the Nocturnals.
-40hz (May 30, 2013, 10:56 PM)
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Very nice, thanks !

Not so much a music video as a full music documentary plus a long interview!

The complete 2003 documentary Joni Mitchell - Woman of Heart and Mind is currently available on Vimeo. Link here.

And if that whets your curiosity, there's also this recent long interview courtesy of CBC Music currently up on YouTube:

Any woman who appears on a television interview - and who sits there unapologetically smoking throughout - is ok by me. :Thmbsup: And I don't even smoke any more!  ;D

FWIW, I liked the documentary better - not so much because the interview was lacking as I really didn't care for the way Jian Ghomeshi conducted it. YMMV.


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