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Recommend some music videos to me!

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One of the greats, performing one of the greats.  Folks, they don't make 'em like this no more.  
-mouser (September 06, 2012, 04:40 PM)
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There will never be another Janis Joplin AFAIC. :-*

But at least we still have a few high-caliber female vocalists like Chrissie Hynde and Dana Fuchs around to help ease the pain. ;D

(BTW: Dana does a very respectable Joplin "tribute" from time to time. She doesn't try to copy Janis Joplin's performance - she just pays homage to the essentials. IMO it works rather well.)

This is really just kind of corny, but still funny:

And, it got everyone involved in it FIRED~!

A group of lifeguards in El Monte has been fired after making a video featuring Korean pop singer PSY's popular hit, "Gangnam Style."

According to the lifeguards, they thought the video would be a fun way to do something to remember the summer by, since they were getting ready to return to school.
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Well, I suppose that adds to the various levels of douchebaggery that are possible. Congrats El Monte~! You have taken douchebaggery to new levels~! :P

Just for fun, phonetically, "douchebaggery" in Korean would be:


Meanwhile, those at the City of El Monte responsible can be referred to as

In Korean, but NSFW엿먹는 존나게 씹할놈들

But if you have a chance, do watch the "Lifeguard Style" video - it's pretty well done.

^I think it's great, and I don't even like the song all that much.

Hmm... supposedly they were fired for using public facilities "for their own benefit."

Wonder if some sharp attorney might want to take the city up on exactly what it considers constitutes "personal benefit." Because with all the official, quasi-official, and unofficial "perks" municipal employees enjoy (e.g. Are the police or public works employees allowed to take their  lunch breaks using city owned vehicles since lunch hour is personal unpaid time and definitely not official business? What about the nod & wink approach of most offices to occasional personal use of city stationary, phones, photocopiers, etc.? And does putting a paper towel from the ladies room in your purse constitute theft of municipal property since you didn't use it for the purpose it was officially provided for when you took it?) it might open up enough of a can of worms they wouldn't want to go there.

In truth, I think these lifeguards had the misfortune of being considered a "safe example" that could be made more for the benefit of the permanent city employees than the seasonal ones. Because going against a permanent city employee for anything (including serious criminal acts) would have involved labor unions, politicians, and endless hearings and meetings.

So yeah, it's a BS job action on the part of the city (note the timing - they're mostly going back to school) with the lifeguards being the fall guys.

Moral: Always watch out for hidden agendas. Government is loaded with them. :-\

Addendum: Oddly enough, I bet the one thing they could burn them on is the part about the unauthorized "use of city issued uniforms." That's one that does have a long history of being enforceable. Freshman year of college, me and a buddy of mine got canned from Macdonalds for that. We always kept our uniforms on when we used to go across the street to Burger King for our lunch break since we only got a half hour. (The Whopper was much better than the BigMac as far as we were concerned, even if we did have to pay full price for it. :mrgreen:)

^^I love that you went to get a Whopper, that is straight up funny.

^Funny only in retrospect. I really needed that job... ;D


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