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Recommend some music videos to me!

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damn.. that was good.

It's friday.

(Rebecca Black, Friday -- this song is making the rounds for being ridiculously bad but i honestly like the pureness of it)
-mouser (March 25, 2011, 06:50 AM)
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I prefer the "Bob Dylan" version.  ;D

They all pale in comparison to the brilliant version by Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon (and The Roots). :D

- Oshyan
-JavaJones (April 04, 2011, 01:34 AM)
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Took me 2 hours to get my daughter to shut off her music so I could watch that video...worth the wait.

And this is something I came across the other day:

Awesome, app - both the audio and the comparison with The Beatles :)

Haha, that is some 1st rate Bob Dylan impressionizing. Both the intonation and the rythm/cadence. Niiice.

- Oshyan


re: Rebecca Black vs The Beatles

That was absolutely brilliant whoever came up with that! :Thmbsup:


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