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Recommend some music videos to me!

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There was a ~2 minute segment in a Minecraft video where the player met a little slime creature. That short segment inspired this song/video.

-Deozaan (December 17, 2010, 01:16 PM)
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Awww, that was awesomely cute :)
-f0dder (December 19, 2010, 01:57 PM)
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The funny thing about it is that the song that immortalized Squishy lasts twice as long as him. The slime's lifetime was about 2 minutes. The song is >4 minutes long. :D :(

OK...time to resurrect this thread. IMHO, it's one of the most interesting topics that ever showed up on this forum. :Thmbsup:

Here's a hugely talented lady that brings back memories of the great female rock/blues singers of the late 60s and very early 70s. Her name is Dana Fuchs who (despite a very loyal following) deserves to be much better known than she is.

This video is from her live performance at B.B. King's in NYC. The song is called Almost Home, and you can watch it here. No fancy choreography, half-naked dancers, tattoo pose-downs, special effects, or staging in this vid. Just five and a half minutes of solid music by a woman who knows how to do it - and does. Those who remember Janis Joplin before her tragic last few years may feel a twinge of recognition in the musicality and passion behind this performance.

Check out her other videos on YouTube. Then go buy her albums. Highly recommended. 8)

^enjoyed that recommendation  :up:

No fancy choreography, half-naked dancers, tattoo pose-downs, special effects, or staging in this vid.
-40hz (March 22, 2011, 02:32 PM)
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that's she's good looking & only got one button on her shirt probably didnt put you off either though, I'm sure :-)

^enjoyed that recommendation  :up:

No fancy choreography, half-naked dancers, tattoo pose-downs, special effects, or staging in this vid.
-40hz (March 22, 2011, 02:32 PM)
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that's she's good looking & only got one button on her shirt probably didnt put you off either though, I'm sure :-)
-tomos (March 22, 2011, 03:46 PM)
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Not in the least.

I have a great deal of respect for any grown woman who has enough confidence in who she is, what she looks like, and what she's about, that she can be a little 'playful' without going over the top about it.

Fortunately, she's more than sufficiently talented that she doesn't need to rely on her considerable looks or sensuality to make us want to listen to her.

That's rather...refreshing, don't you think?  ;D


P.S. Even my GF was amused by that single button. Her only comment: "Wow! She's really something, huh?"  ;D :Thmbsup:

I didnt mean to distract (or take away from) from the music btw - there's a great series of videos, live in NY :up:


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