Software > N.A.N.Y. 2009
NANY 2009 Final Release: DecClock [Public Domain since 20080118]
what's the first number/time
72:etc above? i.e. I dont know what the "Decimal Clock" is -
I would have thought the "Normal Clock" here was a decimal clock...
also wondering what will "time conversion" involve? (I'm wondering are you translating correctly - I think conversion is usually to do with time zones? I could very well be wrong!)
I like your clock ... At the moment I try to figure out how the decimal time is working... :tellme:.
Your kind of binary-clock is only a bit strange to read, because of the splitted 0s and 1s. Please take a look at a binary clock I made a few years ago.
Something like this would be more readable (don´t take care of the built in demo-effects - this makes you only crazy :D):
Crush´s PQAmpel
@tomos: I think with time conversion he meant the visual appearance. At the moment it´s disabled anyway.
I released Version
Is the binary clock better?
I think "time conversion" means "to convert Times", and here you can convert binar, decimal, and normal time into each other.
I think a lot of people are riddling how your principles of "binary" and "decimal" are working.
Binary Clocks are made very often and you can even buy them in shops but your type of it seems kinda strange to me.
You´re only counting each tick with E (what should be ones?) and on overflow reset it to the bottom and rise a decimal tick line named Z (what should be zeroes?).
Besides, the zeroes and ones are not suiting to the numbers they represent. They should be named higher/lower decimal digit.
The usually understanding of binary counters is this:
001 = 1
010 = 2 = overflow
011 = 3
100 = 4 = overflow
... and so on
Here´s another Idea for an improvement:
What I never saw before is a hexadecimal counter: 0-9 and a-f -> 10 next. This would be also quite funny for coders.
sorry i write something false :o
--> released
@ Crush
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