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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion again!

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Also, please note, Alwin has removed that entire topic, 5 pages of posts, which I just quoted.


two years ago,

one of my friends wrote a similar app to Alwin's collectorz application. if I remember, it was for movies collecting...
He was promptly served with copyright legal notices and websites which linked to his sites got DCMA take-down notices.

I guess Alwin is busy "protecting" his applications from competition...

I downloaded DVDProfiler. Feature set looks good, but I'm not in love with the GUI. What the heck is that programmed in? E.g., I right-clicked on the Toolbar and clicked "Customize" to see what I could do about the humongous toolbar & icons. Unfortunately the "Customize" dialog had a drop shadow on the right and bottom - and they never did go away. Whatever I looked at after that had four black lines in the center: two from where the dialog initially opened, and two more at the location where I moved it to.

Didn't go away until I rebooted. I've seen this before and I hate apps that do that. Is it a Java app? Anyone know what does that?



Here is, although very ugly (Thanks foxit pdf printer), another thread which is liable to be deleted. This one shows alwin basically saying "I do not care if you stop using it, my sales figures show that we will replace you in no time".

Check it out

original thread: Here

I like this quote from Alwin (to put it in context, he's responding to darksoul's argument that IMDB access should be restored to version 6). Very nice:

darksoul wrote:
what I'm trying to say is why don't they realize they'll make even more money by bringing back this one feature

No, "they" won't. I am 100% sure that sales will go DOWN as soon as we re-introduce the other sources.
So, we won't.

Sometimes less really IS more.

Why not just give it up? It's been over 3 months now.
We will NEVER EVER bring back the other sources. There's simple too many reasons why this single source setup is the way to go, now and for the future.

--- End quote ---

I don't get any of his arguments. But WTH do I know?


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