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Windows Countdown Timer Showdown

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I wish there was an application that would remind me to do something at certain times annoyingly like WorkRave.
For example, something that would annoy me to go to sleep early would be great :).

Anyone knows anything like that?
-vitalyb (November 16, 2008, 03:16 PM)
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This is the one application I swear by and would be lost without:

3M post-It Digital Notes (shareware: $9.99)

You can set alarms, they give you a snooze button on the alarms, alarms can be set to repeat on a schedule (hourly, daily, weekly,monthly, yearly, etc), organizing boards with tabs so you don't have to have the notes on your desktop, great alarm manager window allows you to see everything at a glance.

Just set the alarm sound to a wav of a nagging woman's voice and you can skip the bad relationship part.  (Get one of Shades' ex-girlfriends to record it for you. :P)

<bad joke>

Although these exes speak in I don't know if that is a problem.

Rest assured though, Spanish nagging doesn't sound any different than in other languages   :D

</bad joke>

I wish there was an application that would remind me to do something at certain times annoyingly like WorkRave.
For example, something that would annoy me to go to sleep early would be great :).

Anyone knows anything like that?
-vitalyb (November 16, 2008, 03:16 PM)
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I haven't used it, but I have this bookmarked.
Windows Countdown Timer Showdown

I'm trying Shade's idea - Using a girlfriend application. However, I must say so far it is quite buggy:

[1:47 AM] VitalyB: I am very strict today
[1:47 AM] VitalyB: I even quit civilization
[1:47 AM] VitalyB: like 10 minutes ago
[1:47 AM] VitalyB: Even though I was only 90 turns from the end of the game
[1:47 AM] Agni: wow! only 90???
[1:47 AM] Agni: you could finish it in like... what?
[1:47 AM] VitalyB: yep. 90 turns is about... 20 minutes of gameplay
[1:48 AM] Agni: then it's 1h and 20?
[1:48 AM] Agni: well
[1:48 AM] Agni: yes
[1:48 AM] Agni: you can do it!
[1:48 AM] Agni: cmon
[1:49 AM] VitalyB: tsk @ girlfriend-causing-bad-influence
[1:49 AM] Agni: you have 8h to sleep???? it's too much!!!!!!!!!!
[1:49 AM] VitalyB: I am going to find that forum topic now
[1:49 AM] VitalyB: and send them this log now
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To add my two cents:
When I went looking for timers, I found QuickReminder, which I now swear by. :up:  It's AHK-based, allows for preset notes, lets you have up to 9 reminders set at a time.  No presets for time settings, though.
I also use the Timer addin for FARR.  :-*


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