Software > N.A.N.Y. 2009
NANY 2009 Intro
Thanks for clearing that up; I think I will sit-out the competition since really my program is of "commercial intent", and any attempts to disguise that would indeed probably be misleading--don't want to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. However, I like the site and will read more about it, and maybe will have something to submit next time. :)
Have to say great discussion.
I have submitted a rather unusual app that takes a different approach in steganography. I (with the help of friends and Oleh Yuschuk's disassembly engine :) ) developed this application way back in 2003-2004. The app is called PESplash. It embeds text into windows exe files using interchangeable assembly opcodes.
With this app you can create your own 'keys' (ops.dat file) that will be able to embed/read hidden text via a binary stream based on the interchangeable codes you have in your ops.dat file. So, it embeds this data into the CODE section of your executable file and will run just as originally compiled without error and yet contains hidden data. Now, be warned, if you decide on interchangeable opcodes and you are wrong, then your application will most likely not run correctly. the default ops.dat file contains most zero flag, interchangeable codes that should not be a problem to swap (but it's not perfect).
So to summarize, it embeds text into your executable files. This could be used in nefarious ways (and is the reason i never released it to the public). Use with restraint, but it's a pretty cool way of tracking who is downloading your files (if released in the wild), send messages, etc.
Anyway, that's my submission, enjoy. :)
Also, please note that this is free and without protection, however, if you plan on using this in a corporate/commercial product, then you must contact me for proper compensation.
One last thing, this will not work on executable files that have been packed (compressed), doing so will almost certainly result in an unusable file.
Hi to all!
I have to say I just love N.A.N.Y.!!!!
Unfortunatelly, I missed it last year...
I hope I'll finish and submit my app on time this year!
If I do - I'm in too!!!! :Thmbsup:
Perry Mowbray:
Hi Blaster:
I'll take that as your pledge then ;)
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