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NANY 2009 Intro

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Imagine that you write "f[eE]nix " and tool generates "fenix fEnix ".-fenixproductions (December 09, 2008, 04:36 AM)
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I love that idea. Wouldn't it get a little out of hand with complicated regular expressions though?
-deviantopian (December 09, 2008, 04:40 AM)
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It might but it depends how could it be implemented.

Additionally I think that such tool would be better for learning Regular Expressions than many other "regexp helper" tools. Currently for testing your expressions you have to have text file with already written content. That way you have to write each possible combination by yourself and then - check does expression match. Getting that in opposite way would be lot better even if crippled a little bit.

Perry Mowbray:
Additionally I think that such tool would be better for learning Regular Expressions than many other "regexp helper" tools. Currently for testing your expressions you have to have text file with already written content. That way you have to write each possible combination by yourself and then - check does expression match. Getting that in opposite way would be lot better even if crippled a little bit.
-fenixproductions (December 09, 2008, 04:53 AM)
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What a great point! I love it more!! What do you think rulfzid?

Maybe limiting the number of results would be helpful: I can imagine getting an unmanageable number of results would not be helpful  :)

2Perry Mowbray
Yes. Some limits have to be taken into mind.

Teoriticaly "k{1,}" means find "k" letter 1 to infinity times. Generator should allow to define upper limit by user but only up to  some hardcoded value.

2Perry Mowbray

I'm definitely in. Consider this my pledge.  :)


I think the idea is interesting, but I see a couple of problems:

First, I think result lists would get out of hand too fast, and crippling the number of results would cripple the usefulness of the tool. Consider the regex "(.*?)\(" or even just "[a-z]{2}", which would yield 26^2 results.

Additionally I think that such tool would be better for learning Regular Expressions than many other "regexp helper" tools. Currently for testing your expressions you have to have text file with already written content. That way you have to write each possible combination by yourself and then - check does expression match. Getting that in opposite way would be lot better even if crippled a little bit.-fenixproductions (December 09, 2008, 04:53 AM)
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Given the regular expressions are a tool for searching (finding patterns in strings), it makes sense to me that you test your regexes against currently existing content (in other words, a filtering tool is supposed to be different from a generative tool). And tools like: allow you to see the result lists updated on the fly in the text, so I personally find those more valuable.

I'm kicking around a couple of ideas now, including your first textgen idea. I hope to decide on something soon, in order to get cracking!

I understand all plausible problems with that so...

I'm kicking around a couple of ideas now, including your first textgen idea. I hope to decide on something soon, in order to get cracking!-rulfzid (December 09, 2008, 02:20 PM)
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... please add some kind of scripting to it at least (ex. for generating lines with numbers).


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