Software > N.A.N.Y. 2009
NANY 2009 Intro
Welcome kwacky!
I'd like to participate but I cannot come up with an idea - i'm clueless at desktop app (i'm one of these command line, client server, unixey, webbey people).
Will try to come up with something in the next days
Perry Mowbray:
Wow, it's not even close to New Years yet and we already have a lot of previews going!
-VideoInPicture (December 03, 2008, 01:24 PM)
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It's amazing: 28 starters, with 23 of those confirming their entry and 14 Entries!
It's amazing: 28 starters, with 23 of those confirming their entry and 14 Entries!
-Perry Mowbray (December 05, 2008, 08:16 AM)
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And let us not forget your good self, equipped with carrot and whip ;)
Perry Mowbray:
Will try to come up with something in the next days
-iphigenie (December 05, 2008, 06:59 AM)
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Now where did that carrot go?? ;D
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