Software > N.A.N.Y. 2009
NANY 2009 Intro
Perry Mowbray:
26 Entrants so far!
I've just PM'd each one of you for some details we need.
All subsequent entrants please PM your email address to me so that I can put you on the list.
I'm in.
if you are rewriting something from the ground up i think it counts as a new application.-mouser
--- End quote ---
Okay, I'm in with a rewrite (and rename) of my To Do Tree app.
Wow, it's not even close to New Years yet and we already have a lot of previews going! Unfortunately, I can't enter the current application I'm working on for NANY, but I will have something else made.
Wow my first post, and it's a pledge for NANY 2009!
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