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XULRunner question
After looking at the link I saw on XULRunner in the last newsletter, I decided to try it out and see what it was about. I'm having issues running anything with it. If I download an XULRunner package (.xulapp or .xpi extension), XULRunner should start that package with XULRunner.exe <packagename>. All I ever get running this is "Error: App:Name not specified in application.ini". If I unzip the xulapp or xpi file (change the extension to .zip and extract) and then look in the application.ini file, I can see Name= defined under the [App] section. If I then run XULRunner.exe application.ini, it works perfectly. Any thoughts as to why XULRunner won't take a .xulapp or .xpi file? :(
That is the correct behavior, as any introductory tutorial/documentation would tell you. XPIs should be installed via 'xulrunner.exe --install-app drive:\path\to\package.xpi drive:\path\to\install\to', then xulrunner should be invoked on the resulting application.ini.
That is the correct behavior, as any introductory tutorial/documentation would tell you. XPIs should be installed via 'xulrunner.exe --install-app drive:\path\to\package.xpi drive:\path\to\install\to', then xulrunner should be invoked on the resulting application.ini.
-Ehtyar (November 04, 2008, 01:51 PM)
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Erm, actually, there aren't any tutorials that say a word about this. I tried running XULRunner --install-app, but didn't see anything special about doing that (since I had already unzipped the file manually). Thank you for your help.
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