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IDEA: DropFolder

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I will post an update soon to Custom Desktop Logo that will use the default Windows file copy/move status dialogs that should give you the option of not copying over files. I will also add in the Ctrl-Shift+Click option to add a folder. It will bring up the the settings panel with the new folder added in.

Version 2.2 of Custom Desktop Logo is released:

In this version, I have made Custom Desktop Logo use the default Windows move/copy dialogs when using the logos as drop folders as well as added a disable movement option to the context menu. The drop folder target folders list is now easier to edit because the cells will automatically select the text in the cell when clicked on.

In version 2.1 there was a bug with the multi-threaded move/copy file operation in that if one operation was started and another one started, the first operation wouldn't complete. This has been fixed in version 2.2.

I recommend all users upgrade to version 2.2.

GREAT WORK, a perfect realization of the idea. thx!  :Thmbsup:

I'm using Skrommels script from this thread and I have to say it's absolutely fantastic. Would it be possible to click on the floating icon and get the locations menu to open an explorer window to there? would ease navigation.

Would be great if skrommel updates his script with this feature and a png support.
.Net less applications are better


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