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IDEA: DropFolder
Keeps disappearing after I close settings! :o
Update - stays when I bring it back and leave settings.. ;D What fun.... :)
Hmm, I don't think it should matter where it's placed. I have taken down version 2.0 while I try to find out what's wrong since I know version 1.0 works fine on XP and Vista. I've recently switched over to Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Pro from Express and I think it mucked up some of the compilation settings.
-VideoInPicture (October 13, 2008, 07:07 AM)
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No problem - gotta move those apps anyway!
It is definitely something funky with Visual Studio 2008 Pro. Still figuring this one out.
As for the settings panel, click the minimize button to make it go away instead of the X button, which will close the program.
Ah thanks.... :D
I also modified the cat.png to have transparent surround on desktop - lost some whiskers in process ;D Will have to work on it! ;)
Alright, I've reuploaded Custom Desktop Logo V2.0 to the website:
I've tested it on XP & Vista and looks to be running fine now. For some reason Visual Studio Pro is compiling the program differently than with Express so I compiled this as a release edition. Tell me if there is any other problems getting it to start up.
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