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'Everything' is one FAST file search engine

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Here is an AHK script for replacing the current folder search in Explorer (CTRL+F). Why? Because I often use small Explorer windows and the default search sidebar the takes up almost the entire window so using Everything is quicker compared to resizing the explorer window.

--- ---;-- EverythingExplorer ---
;-- replace explorer CTRL+F active folder search with Everything
;-- AHK script by nod5 --
#IfWinActive, ahk_class ExploreWClass
#IfWinActive, ahk_class CabinetWClass
WinGet, xid, ID, A
ControlGetText,xpath, Edit1, ahk_id %xid%
run, %A_ProgramFiles%\Everything\Everything.exe -search "%xpath%\ "
returnA problem though: when the path includes spaces, the above does not work. I need to pass a quoted path to Everything. I tried

--- ---""%xpath%\" "and

--- ---"""%xpath%\"" "and

--- ---"^"%xpath%\^" "but that didn't work. Any ideas on how to get it to work?
edit: once the path issue is sorted a similar script could be made to do the searches through FARR via the FARR everything plugin.

temporary workaround, with barely noticeable delay:

--- ---;-- EverythingExplorer ---
;-- replace explorer CTRL+F active folder search with Everything
;-- AHK script by nod5 --
#IfWinActive, ahk_class ExploreWClass
#IfWinActive, ahk_class CabinetWClass
WinGet, xid, ID, A
ControlGetText,xpath, Edit1, ahk_id %xid%
;run, %A_ProgramFiles%\Everything\Everything.exe -search "%xpath%\ "
run, %A_ProgramFiles%\Everything\Everything.exe
WinWaitActive, ahk_class EVERYTHING
ControlSetText,Edit1,"%xpath%"%A_Space%, ahk_class EVERYTHING
ControlSend,Edit1,{End},ahk_class EVERYTHING

New version out now.
Friday, 13 March 2009: Version
--- End quote ---
Long list of changes but that's due to making the beta official. Not sure what changed since last beta.

Thanks for the heads up, Nosh  :Thmbsup: - downloading it now  :)

You're welcome, superboyac!  ;D


BTW, people who want to be updated about beta versions should subscribe to the feed.

I think both gosh, larwin and not5 are welcome...



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