Software > Find And Run Robot
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IIUC, the ahk files were moved into a subfolder named "AHK files". Do you see such a folder?
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Well, uh, yes I do. :-[
That was kind of stupid.
Thanks. I'll try to look at it.
I'll try to look at it.
-ebennetthill (February 04, 2010, 10:21 AM)
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Good luck with trying to make suitable changes!
FWIW, when I downloaded the latest version, one of my first thoughts was along the lines of "Oh no! No more source :(". ;)
I got it to do what I wanted! It uses an open Directory Opus window if one exists. I took out
--- Code: AutoIt ---; Directory Opuselse if f_class in dopus.lister{ ControlSetText, Edit2, %f_path%, ahk_id %f_window_id% ControlSend, Edit2, {Right}{Enter}, ahk_id %f_window_id% return}
in the middle of the script, and added my little script
--- Code: AutoIt ---else ifwinexist, ahk_class dopus.lister{ run,C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe /cmd GO "%f_path%" winactivate ahk_class dopus.lister}
just before the last "else".
It worked. :P Now it will switch to the chosen folder if Directory Opus is open, or start Directory Opus if not.
Powerful idea, cardboard42. Nice modifications, skajfes and rulfzid. Thanks for the help, ewemoa.
FARR is great.
It worked. :P Now it will switch to the chosen folder if Directory Opus is open, or start Directory Opus if not.
-ebennetthill (February 05, 2010, 11:06 AM)
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Glad to hear it worked out for you :Thmbsup:
FARR is great.
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I concur...and DC, mouser, and others too ;)
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