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I can haz LOLMouser plz?
HA! You beat scancode to it!
Touché ;D ;D ;D
Now that is Cody!
Great find! :Thmbsup:
I can haz LOLMouser plz?I can haz LOLMouser plz?
Excellent! - We actually have 'mouse' birds here but nothing like the 'catbird'... ;D
-CleverCat (December 08, 2008, 08:14 AM)
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We have catbirds here in New England but no mouse birds.
They're called that because of their unique neee-yah! call, which sounds something like a cat (if you've been out drinking) I suppose.
They also make a lot of other bird sounds, so they're something like a mockingbird, except the catbird apparently makes up its own vocalizations, and does not truly imitate other birds.
BTW: Our catbirds don't look anything like that either. ;D
(see attachment in previous post)
-40hz (December 08, 2008, 10:30 AM)
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Yikes - Interesting - I'm off to find the sound on Google!
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