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Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 8 is Officially Released!

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Just thought I'd share my Red Vista orb. I made one since I have an XPS m1330 that has a Product Red theme on it.  :-*
-alphaphoenix (September 15, 2008, 11:01 PM)
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Sweet image, thanks.  Using it now...

Another issue, though I'm not sure if this is workable to get around: if I have the taskbar set on auto-hide, then whenever I click the center button to call the start menu, CD seems to have to wait for the taskbar to slide back into view. This makes it take about a second to appear, and in fact sometimes does not even work (the taskbar will unhide, but no start menu will appear) unless I have made the regular start menu appear recently. Any idea if there is a fix for either of these issues?

Hi, I've create a new Circle Dock background "Dual Ring" to transparent glass. Now I share this new "Dual Ring_Glass" to all Circle Dock user, If any user is using Windows Vista and this background should have good match. Hopefully All User Like it...

Here is screenshots:
Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 8 is Officially Released!

Here is Background:

Another issue, though I'm not sure if this is workable to get around: if I have the taskbar set on auto-hide, then whenever I click the center button to call the start menu, CD seems to have to wait for the taskbar to slide back into view. This makes it take about a second to appear, and in fact sometimes does not even work (the taskbar will unhide, but no start menu will appear) unless I have made the regular start menu appear recently. Any idea if there is a fix for either of these issues?
-Rostam (September 16, 2008, 04:33 PM)
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This is related to how CD gets the start menu to show up. I still haven't found any code that reliably calls up the start menu like in regular docklets since none of the code is published.

I downloaded CD 0.0.2 Alpha 8 yesterday, love it! I was wondering, is there a way to make the dock icons zoom out then the mouse hovers over them (like on RocketDock or ObjectDock)?

Terrific work! It's a great program... Nixo


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