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Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 8 is Officially Released!

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Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 8 is Officially Released!1
Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 8 is Officially Released!2

I recommend all Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 7 users to upgrade to Alpha 8 because of all the bug fixes and some new features added. Alpha 8 includes some new language files and backgrounds thanks to the people listed on Visit the Circle Dock homepage to see examples of the new backgrounds:

Please note that there is a new recommended way of upgrading from Alpha 7 to Alpha 8. Please see the information at It is important you follow the instructions listed there or the program may not start properly and give you an error message.

Note that some language files are not up to date. They will still load but you will get "?????" in place of missing translations.

From the Change Log:
September 14th, 2008

* Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 8 Official Release is made available.
* Many bug fixes and some new features added.
* There is a new recommended way of upgrading to Alpha 8 - see How to Upgrade
* Added the ability to run multiple docks at the same time by allowing multiple Circle Dock instances to run from separate folders.
* Circle Dock will now seek the target file for shortcuts dropped onto the dock.
* Added ability to lock the dock at a specific position (Settings Panel -> Location).
* The .ini file reader for Circle Dock is now unicode compatible with non-western script characters. This solves the problem of garbled language files.
* There are new language files included, such as Chinese, Indonesian, and Hungarian. Some language files have not been updated. Missing translations will show up in Circle Dock as "?????".
* New circular backgrounds are included.
* Added an "Item Properties" panel for each dock item to allow you to edit the link properties.
* Added an option in the right-click menu for the centre object, background, and the tray icon to temporarily pause the mouse toggling for gamers or other people that need it.
* The screen edge toggling has been improved. Circle Dock won't toggle the visibility if you are holding a mouse button down near the screen edges. There is also a new option for the dwell time required.
* The "Toggling" and "File -> Icon Associations" panels in the "Settings Panel" have been simplified.
* Added ability to turn off labels.
* Added a new format to the circle shape option in Settings Panel - Dock Shape (maximum number of items that can be fit on a circle without overlap).
* Added option to use the same rotation angle for all dock folders under Settings Panel -> General.
* Added a numeric box to finely adjust the rotation angle of the dock under Settings Panel -> General.
* Added a "Portability Mode" option to Settings Panel -> General. With this option selected, Circle Dock will automatically try to find the links of the dock item by using the drive letter of the Circle Dock directory. This is meant for USB thumbdrive usage where the drive letters may change but you want Circle Dock to self-reference files.
* Added a "Always on Bottom" option to Settings Panel -> General. Note that this mode is not fully completed since there are a few bugs to be worked out. Mostly there is a flickering issue. It is recommended to use the "Topmost" or "Normal" modes for the z-level.
--- End quote ---

can't open these links :(

The links are all working for me. Maybe it's your internet service provider or firewall blocking it?

i have never opened all your 4 firewall have not asked me for it.i use comodo firewall pro and it's default settings.

i downloaded alpha 7.6 and 8 debug at,this link works,but this time no files found:)


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