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Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 8 is Released for Translation

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circle dock is a great idea, i like it very much.  :Thmbsup:

i've translated the language (for 0.9.2 alpha 8 ) into Bahasa Indonesia, hope it useful.  :P

i see there is much improvement from the previous versions, but in this versions (0.9.2 alpha 8 ), i still can't add special link like "My Computer", "Recycle Bin", etc. I've tried using registry argument for target (i.e, ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} for My Computer), but still doesn't work either. Anyway, this version is more usable than previous versions. good job Eric  :Thmbsup:

can't wait for updates  ;)

I also made some of background images, hope it useful too! ;D

One Lump Sum:
I'm loving the new update.  I don't know if this has been requested before, but It would be nice to change the icon size based on which layer its in, for multi layered rings.  Have smaller icons towards the centre and larger icons on the outside.

I'm loving the new update.  I don't know if this has been requested before, but It would be nice to change the icon size based on which layer its in, for multi layered rings.  Have smaller icons towards the centre and larger icons on the outside.
-One Lump Sum (September 13, 2008, 05:36 PM)
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That can be done easily. Maybe I'll do that as a minor update for Alpha 8 while I code the major animation/performance revisions for Alpha 9.

I also made some of background images, hope it useful too! ;D
-pakkuncung (September 13, 2008, 04:57 AM)
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Thanks! I love the one with the wings. I can see people into goth or bikers using it.  :Thmbsup:

I'll put them in for Alpha 8 tomorrow. I'll make up some screenshots with those backgrounds and put them on the Circle Dock homepage. Unless you already have some screenshots with your backgrounds in them?


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