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Forum 2.0 Suggestion
Adding to the list:
* Customizable themes
* Powerful and easy filtering
* Chat
By chat do you mean a one-on-one private chat? Because there's always the IRQ channel, don't ya know!
-alivingspirit (September 10, 2008, 11:09 AM)
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Another suggestion, probably easy to implement but a big usability step. Whenever a thread is split into several pages, the page navigation requires accurately clicking these smallish numbers:
It would be easier to have Previous / Next page links to the left (or on either side of) the page numbers. Mostly because it's so much easier to click a word than a one- or two-digit number; also because when following a thread I don't really care which page I'm looking at, my intent is simply to move forward.
Initially at DC I thought these links would do the job:
But they move between threads instead. Are they used often? (I.e., how often do people go to whatever thread is next, without seeing the title first?) In any case, it might be useful to rename them to "Previous thread" and "Next thread", to make their funvtion more obvious.
Tagging gets a +1 from :Thmbsup:
By chat do you mean a one-on-one private chat? Because there's always the IRQ channel, don't ya know!
-Darwin (September 10, 2008, 01:04 PM)
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Ask Paul. It was his suggestion:
...and finally this is probably more complication than it's worth it but it would be great if you can mimic Tangler's real time forum chatting with forum posts so you can either directly get a preview of the forum contents without leaving chat or view chat posts on a forum post without going to the chatroom but it's not really beneficial, just something that might satisfy the twitter generation of forum users.
-Paul Keith (September 07, 2008, 10:14 PM)
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Another suggestion, probably easy to implement but a big usability step. Whenever a thread is split into several pages, the page navigation requires accurately clicking these smallish numbers:
(see attachment in previous post)
It would be easier to have Previous / Next page links to the left (or on either side of) the page numbers. Mostly because it's so much easier to click a word than a one- or two-digit number; also because when following a thread I don't really care which page I'm looking at, my intent is simply to move forward.
Initially at DC I thought these links would do the job:
(see attachment in previous post)
But they move between threads instead. Are they used often? (I.e., how often do people go to whatever thread is next, without seeing the title first?) In any case, it might be useful to rename them to "Previous thread" and "Next thread", to make their funvtion more obvious.
-tranglos (September 10, 2008, 03:52 PM)
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Ditto on every point. A clearer/faster page navigation system would be nice.
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