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How do you manage your email?

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superboyac : I edited the post where I explained how I manage my emails... Your post reminded me of 3 categories/folders I almost  never use.  :-[
The fact is : I don't have much to delegate, not much to refer to (I use x1)... I do use the "waiting for..." one quite a bit though.
For important emails that I need to respond to but need to defer I'll often just create a special task/todo. I like to have all important stuff in ONE and only ONE place... OK, maybe 2 : Task-todo list (containing next actions, really), and calendar.
-Armando (September 08, 2008, 11:35 PM)
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Yes, it seems like you and I think alike about a lot of things!  But I thought you were a big fan of Archivarius?  How come you are using X1?  I haven't used X1 in over a year, but I totally preferred Archivarius over it.  Let me know, because I totally forgot that I can use an indexer, so I'm probably going to set one up soon to use with Outlook.
-superboyac (September 09, 2008, 12:47 PM)
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Missed that post....
I use Archivarius mostly for deeper searches/research, if I may say so. I don't find it as well thought off in terms of filtering and work flow. I like it because it's fairly fast, nice with my CPU and RAM and pretty thorough. But, In general, I prefer X1 : Outlook indexing is much much better, its UI allows more flexibility (the filtering through columns is actually very SQLNotes like), and you can organize your different searches into virtual/search folders -- and that is great. The only aspects I dislike about X1 : consumes more resources than Archivarius, is slower to appear when you invoke it, misses some data (like the notes-comments in Word documents... and the end of Huge documents don't even get indexed!!).

I find that setting filters in X1 for OUtlook or whatever stuff you need daily is quite handy. You can even create one grid per filter if you wish. And with AHK, I got all my keyboard shortcuts working nicely...

Aram and Armando - either you misunderstood 40hz or I did!
-Darwin (September 11, 2008, 08:20 AM)
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no no... I understood perfectly well.  :) And I also understood why one would not trust HDD and computers 100% . I don't either.  ;D That's why I have, multiple backups, DVD archives of incremental backups, etc. I mean, if I'm going to loose something, I'd have to be so unlucky that paper wouldn't save me anyway. I mean... paper can get burnt, soaked, lost, or whatever, too... right? It's also harder to encrypt and protect.... unless you put it in a safe.

(E.g. : A PST file might not be the most robust database in the world, but I actually don't really care if my PST becomes corrupt. I'll just start a new one, or bring back to life one of my backups. No? And if I'm dealing with something so important -- right now -- that I can't afford to loose, I'll back it up right away, on 3-4 different HDD.)

Who heard stories about 4 HDD in different places (eg : the one in my laptop, the one on my desk, the one in my bag, and the one at my parent's place) getting corrupt or broken bad all at once? I'm not saying it's not possible... but...

I forgot to mention one very, very big advantage of X1.  IT COMPLETELY ELIMINATES THE NEED TO DO SEARCHES OF ANY KIND FROM WITHIN OUTLOOK.  :Thmbsup:  All searches can be performed from X1.

If the X1 index is restricted to Outlook pst and or ost files only, it is extremely powerful.  It eliminates the need to categorize or save email into different bins in Outlook. 

The only Outlook folders I have for mail are "Inbox" and "Delete Items" (which is set to not be automatically emptied).  Any message that can be deleted, unquestionably, is permanently deleted with  Shift/Delete.  Everything else goes in the "Deleted" folder and is permanently saved until such time in the future when I decide to permanently delete them.

One could have additional folders for categories but in its simplest form this system works perfectly well.

There are many other good tools for searching all other types of non-email files but it is worth keep them separate from the X1 index if it involves large quantities/sizes of files.

This is my point of view too. I believe that if you've got sufficient redundancy (good backup system), these things (loose all emails/files etc.) should absolutely not happen.
-Armando (September 11, 2008, 12:13 AM)
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One reason for not trusting electronic means of storage is for long term stuff, as the medium may no longer be supported. I've got some 5" disks still, but nothing to read it (one of them is my Masters thesis  :down:). I've got audio and video tapes too. It won't be long before they'll be unusable.

In practice, I just don't care, since if I haven't used the info in 10-15 years, I don't need it anymore

Technology evolves rapidly...

That said, I'll print Travel related information (plane tickets, etc.), other than that, never. I'd print out more if I didn't have a portable.

Didn't x1 become free a short while ago?  What happened?

X1 Professional Client was free but it now cost $50, and worth every cent (and I am in no way affiliated with that company).


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