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How do you manage your email?

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My solution is multiple backups, in mutiple formats, in multiple locations, of my e-mail in electronic format. I only have three e-mails printed out (these include a nasty e-mail exchange with my PhD supervisor, and a couple of receipts that related to refunds I requested). That's it.

This is my point of view too. I believe that if you've got sufficient redundancy (good backup system), these things (loose all emails/files etc.) should absolutely not happen.
-Armando (September 11, 2008, 12:13 AM)
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No argument from me if that's what works best for you. :) I'm nowhere near being that confident.

I'd like believe in technology and systems. Unfortunately, I've got a little too much real-life experience with Murphy's Law to ever be a believer.

Lots of things shouldn't happen. But some still happen anyway. ;D

That's why I have redundant backups (local and remote) along with all the other techy fixin's. But I also have a hardcopy backup just in case. I'm not cynical - just experienced! ;)

Darwin: So, I'm not advocating printing EVERYTHING, just those messages that you really want to keep.
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Darwin's got it! That's exactly what I was saying.


You might like to compare Poppy with Magic Mail Monitor, though MMM's focus leans more towards deleting spam.  Seems reliable to me, on Win98 at that   8)
-rjbull (September 11, 2008, 04:02 AM)
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Thanks for the heads-up on MMM. I did try it some time ago. That was one of the apps that caused problems with my machine. It does do some really nice things - and the interface is a lot nicer than Poppy's. But it also does a lot more than I want.

Besides, I have one of the best spam filters in the world already - ME!

I just eyeball the headers and zap what I don't want. My "filter" is cheap, fast, and portable. It comes with unlimited free updates, and knows exactly what I want to get rid of every single time. Quite amazing really. Almost uncanny! I'll have to see if I can patent myself someday.

(The only problem is that the only person that would ever want SpamZap-40hz is me... ;D)

I'll have to see if I can patent myself someday
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I think you are probably too late, you probably have been patented by now!

I'll have to see if I can patent myself someday
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I think you are probably too late, you probably have been patented by now!
-Grorgy (September 11, 2008, 10:02 AM)
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