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How do you manage your email?

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This may be so obvious that I'm almost afraid to post it.

Print and file paper hardcopy of any email you absolutely can't afford to lose.
-40hz (September 10, 2008, 02:34 PM)
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No. It's excellent advice - a lesson that I learned the hardway...
-Darwin (September 10, 2008, 04:10 PM)
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Unless it's something that I can automate, I ain't doing it.  I'm against all this paper stuff.  But if it could be automated to where it prints all my important emails once a week, I'd be ok with that.

This is my point of view too. I believe that if you've got sufficient redundancy (good backup system), these things (loose all emails/files etc.) should absolutely not happen.

I've found a little utility called Poppy for Windows to be worth it's weight in gold. I can preview and optionally kill anything before it gets to my local mailbox, so only what I want gets downloaded. The real beauty of the thing is its simplicity. It's also the only tray/popup notifier I've ever used that works reliably and doesn't cause problems on my machine.
-40hz (September 09, 2008, 01:28 PM)
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You might like to compare Poppy with Magic Mail Monitor, though MMM's focus leans more towards deleting spam.  Seems reliable to me, on Win98 at that   8)

Aram and Armando - either you misunderstood 40hz or I did! I think that suggesting that any e-mail you can't afford to lose be printed and kept as hardcopy is excellent advice. My understanding of this is that particular e-mail messages, like the last message your grandmother sent to you before she passed away or a nasty exchange of e-mail with a colleague that you have filed a complaint against, be backed up in hard copy. Everything else trust to your electronic archive. As I said, I learned this the hardway as I have a bunch of e-mail black holes in my archive: everthing from 1994 t0 2000, everything from 2000 to 2006, everything from mid-2006 to November 2007... This includes every e-mail my grandmother ever wrote to me before she passed away in 2000  :( >:(

So, I'm not advocating printing EVERYTHING, just those messages that you really want to keep.

NB It probably IS easier to keep everything now without printing to paper: in the past two years Hotmail, GMail and Yahoo have gone to astronomical limits on personal e-mail storage (after years of tiny limits) and harddrive capacity has gone through the roof while the cost has gone through the floor.

I admit to being hypersensitive to the possibility of email loss. That means multiple email clients (and databases), each containing everything, and multiple backups in multiple locations. But I don't do paper.


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