Software > Screenshot Captor
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You're very good at that at least. :P :Thmbsup: ;D
Whatever the merits of the foregoing, it's crystallised something about this blog for me. Whoever writes it is very prolific, and tends to offer uncritical announcements. Getting a heads-up on something I didn't know about has value, but I'd rather have deeper analysis, and especially discussion of the relative merits of different programs that do more or less the same thing.
Whatever the merits of the foregoing, it's crystallised something about this blog for me. Whoever writes it is very prolific, and tends to offer uncritical announcements. Getting a heads-up on something I didn't know about has value, but I'd rather have deeper analysis, and especially discussion of the relative merits of different programs that do more or less the same thing.
-rjbull (February 28, 2018, 04:01 PM)
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What blog?
^ the blog that inspired Stephen's comment.
Short and imperfect ("free" rather than "donationware") comments on the TrishTech blog, concluding:
Screenshot Captor is a complete screen capture tool with multi-monitor support. It can capture the screen or part of it using a number of methods. You can also use it to annotate and edit he captures screenshots easily.
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-rjbull (February 26, 2018, 05:36 PM)
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Just wanted to make sure from the poster, as it could refer to other blogs in this reviews index. That seemed pretty non-specific, so wanted clarification of their meaning.
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