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looking for...a wiki?

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nice site - thanks sri!!

FYI it doesn't have to be a wiki - it just seemed like a wiki would match my basic requirements.

Another consideration is the fact that my colleagues are not tech savvy, so the need to understand and use wiki syntax may rule this out...

thinking about it a bit more an alternative may be a simple AHK script that generates the requisite HTML file (with links to the script for processing updates...)

The smallest (but nice) solution would be:

You were 4 min quicker.

Paul Keith:
Yes, for wikis, I third tiddlywiki because of it's popularity but from the screenshot, it sounds to me that what you really want is something like Compendium.

It takes a while but certainly less than trying to understand a wiki-syntax.

you already said, you are not looking for an online solution, but just in case you are reconsidering it, I have a friend who tried this and she is quite happy with how it works.
Shrugs , how about go and see it if you have time, cannot hurt.

Easy Way to Create Your Own Wiki
Wikis can be thought of as user modifiable web pages. It sounds attractive but in reality most wiki software requires both site owners and users to acquire some rather arcane markup language skills to make the system work. This site seeks to overcome this barrier by employing new wiki software that features a user-friendly interface.

Paul Keith:
I second wetpaint. It's probably the most popular simple to use online wiki out there...but...I don't know that is what the OP is looking for. I'm not even sure he's still looking at this thread because it's been 10 days since he last replied.


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