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Video chat: Why don't people like it?

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I'm curious:

Video chat is something I used to dream of (remember Blade Runner?).

I video chat with my boyfriend in France all the time.
But my girlfriends, although they have the means to video chat, would rather talk on the phone (???).
And my 2 sisters (one 3,000 milles away) have simply no interest.

Even a former member of this forum who had a SkypeMe button on his signature (in email, at least) suddenly *disappeared* when I invited him to video chat.

What's up with people?! The future of communication is here, why do people shy away from it?
Is there still an 'adult' stigma attached to it?

So far, all I can come up with is that you can't readily multi-task on video chat as well as on the phone.
Any ideas?
Thanks  :)

I talk to the better half on skype video, and ocasionally some other friends, though for the most part i know what you're talking about. However, there are still plenty of people who are either without webcam, or suffering an internet connection that simply won't support video conversation smoothly. Then there are of course people who simply do not want to be seen over the internet (privacy, messy surroundings etc).


I would assume that the whole "adult" thing is still attached to it for the older folks... every teenager I know (my entire high school) does at least IM/Text Messaging, and a lot of us do voice and video (I am getting a webcam soon). It is like there are two groups - the ones that take it inappropriately, and the ones that don't really care about the "risks" involved in it (and therefore do it all the time). (I would be the latter)

Just a teen's perspective...

I guess that will vary from person to person. Multitasking is definitely a big reason, you can do everything you want while you talk on the phone, meanwhile with video chat you have to be in front of the camera. Also, some people can be uncomfortable when talking using a videocam, in the sense that they can be in pajamas at home, in underwear, or doing those little things everyone does at home, and it's embarrassing for them to let others see them like that.

I suppose it's a matter of asking your girlfriends why they don't like it. Personally, I don't have a webcam, and never felt inclined to buy one for videochat, maybe because I don't have any particular reason about having or not having one.

I'm curious:

Video chat is something I used to dream of (remember Blade Runner?).
What's up with people?! The future of communication is here, why do people shy away from it? -SKesselman (August 28, 2008, 06:17 PM)
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That is because, when talking to a client, one has to change out of pyjamas!


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