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Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 7 Discussion

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Wow, those are cool backgrounds! I especially like the Dual Ring version.

Do you want to include those for Alpha 8 tomorrow? I could feature them on the Circle Dock homepage. Just send me an e-mail at [email protected]. Sorry that I can't help you with the glass type effects. I'm not an advanced Photoshop user so I can't create those kind of graphics.

Eric Wong

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I think you should definitely have a section for user submitted backgrounds/art etc. Custom backgrounds seem to be popular and not everyone is a Photoshop king :P I'm going to try make some new ones later today !

I try to create another new background for Circle Dock, my target is want create a background is true transparent like the glass(can see through), but I don't know how to do it...

And here is my Circle Dock Background Style:

Gears of War Logo Style

Dual Ring Style

So very ordinary.
-Boba-Fett (September 13, 2008, 05:21 PM)
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Wow, those are cool backgrounds! I especially like the Dual Ring version.

Do you want to include those for Alpha 8 tomorrow? I could feature them on the Circle Dock homepage. Just send me an e-mail at [email protected]. Sorry that I can't help you with the glass type effects. I'm not an advanced Photoshop user so I can't create those kind of graphics.

Eric Wong
-VideoInPicture (September 14, 2008, 12:36 AM)
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Hello Eric, this new Dual Ring is already sent to your Gmail account and please to check it.

Here is New Dual Ring:
Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 7 Discussion


Congratulations on today's review at

How would one go about uninstalling this program?  I can't find it in my add/delete new programs in my computer.  Also, it goes away when I click on an icon.  How would I get it back up???

Circle Dock Mentioned on FreewareGenius today:


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