Does anyone here think that those who pirate software would be likely to purchase a copy and then request a refund? I don’t think so. I think that only someone seriously considering the program would shell out that much up front. But then again I am probably way off there. Who knows anymore!
As somebody who, will openly admiot to pirating software, I can say no, we wouldnt simply request a refund.
Now let me explain more about me being a pirate **arr**
Ever downloaded a "demo" of a product, only to find out it has a severe time limit, or 80% of its functions are locked out? or simply, have no demo at all, and you have to trust other users and screenshots to shell out what could be thousands of $$, Annoying isnt it...hows that a true 'test' period? - This is why I pirate...If I come accross software I feel I may purchase, but want to take for a test run first, and the demos (or lack there of) have these constraints, I turn to piracy, take the software for a short test-run (usually a month or two), NEVER release anything created from that peice of illegal software, and figure out if its worth my time. If it is, I simply backup my files, uninstall, return to the website, purchase, download, install, and use as normal...if not, uninstall, delete, forget...with no hole in my wallet

I honestly dont care about the ethics of that, and in fact, if I made software to the price of packages like Maya and Pinnacles...I would either offer a suitable demo, or reccomend people to head off to The Pirate Bay
