Software > fSekrit
Icon for the fsekrit application
Just wanted to say that I haven't forgotten about this idea, I just got a bit pre-occupied with real life. But now I got a case of insomnia, so I might as well crank out some code :)
I'm not sure if it's a feature I want to incorporate into the "main guts" of fSekrit, since I don't know how many people will need it, and I want to keep fSekrit relatively small and un-bloated. But if it isn't included in core fSekrit, I'll probably include it as an auxiliary tool in the main zip file.
Anyway, enough talk, on with the codeTM!
Ability to specify an icon will be a useful feature.
Good luck.
...a few cups of coffee later :-[
I've decided to skip this feature - while I can see the use for it, I don't find it's a "core feature", and the code indeed ended up being messy. Since you're probably only going to set icon once per file (and that icon is going to stick for all files produced from that modified exe), I'd suggest using an icon editor capable of handling executables. I've been told that IcoFX should do the trick :)
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