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What Linux is xclosest to whats used in apples OSX?
Chuck, you might consider the following links before dropping the cash on a mac machine:
Turn Your Ubuntu Hardy to Mac OSX Leopard
gOS Space
Chuck, you might consider the following links before dropping the cash on a mac machine:
Turn Your Ubuntu Hardy to Mac OSX Leopard
-zridling (July 31, 2008, 12:00 AM)
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Oooo zridling!
Good one! :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:
Close enough to give some idea of what it's like. I have got to give this one a try...
Chuck: You can do an "install" of Ubuntu using the Wubi option. That will let you use Ubuntu without needing to repartition or otherwise change your Windows environment. Wubi installs Ubuntu as an application rather than it's own thing. If you don't like it, you can remove it by using your Add/Remove Program control panel. Otherwise it works just like a real installation with a few minor exceptions.
After you've "wubbed" yourself, just follow the instructions in zridling's link and you should be ready to rock.
Wubi links:
Official Wubi site:
Much more user friendly walk through (Elmer Fudd sez:"Do dis so's you don't get wubbed da wong way!") :)
Hm, that visual makeover for ubuntu is pretty slick. However note it is based on the default desktop, gnome, which is less Mac-like functionally than KDE. KDE has some of the wonderful functional intergration that makes OS X the best OS IMO, which gnome doesn't. That makeover changes the look of gnome, but the core features are still gnome.
As a long-time Windows user who has tried Linux repeatedly (and has recently been forcing himself to use Vista for a long test period and also Ubuntu's latest release), I can honestly recommend OS X and Mac hardware (not that *$£@ mighty mouse though ;-)). I never wanted to "switch", I was a guinea pig, but the experiment was an unqualified success. I will pay the premium in future because a cool evaluation made it clear that the platform was technically superior for our needs. Actually, I finally made a hackintosh (bought another leopard disk) out of my Vista/ubuntu test machine and will not look back...
Indeed if you want to try out OS X, then perhaps going the hackintosh route is the only "real" option. There is plenty of info available online. The experience is like installing linux 5 years ago, if your hardware is OK, installation is a breeze, but if not, then expect to fiddle with kernel extensions (though thankfully not the endless recompilation).
Indeed if you want to try out OS X, then perhaps going the hackintosh route is the only "real" option. There is plenty of info available online. The experience is like installing linux 5 years ago, if your hardware is OK, installation is a breeze, but if not, then expect to fiddle with kernel extensions (though thankfully not the endless recompilation).
-nontroppo (August 02, 2008, 07:12 AM)
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Be forewarned: you can be opening yourself up to some very serious legal repercussions with this one. Especially if you go with a Kalyway Leopard 10.5.1 SSE2 SSE3 disk.
Also be careful where you get your downloads. The torrent sites that carry this sort of thing bring you into the realm of warez and all that goes with it. I'd strongly suggest running your downloads through an anonymous proxy. And be careful which websites you browse for information. Some info sites are legit. Many aren't. Be sure all your security apps are fully up to date and you've got your browser "dumbed down" before you even think about surfing around for any of this stuff.
Don't mean to come across like a Boy Scout, but IMHO: Hardly worth the risks. 8)
I bought an extra copy of Leopard not out of worrying about legal repurcussions (there are currently two mac clone makers, one of which (Psystar) are in court defending their right to do so, yet no hackintosh developer/user has ever been "prosecuted" AFAIK), but just because I think the value my Dellintosh 8) gives is well worth the price. If you use an original Leopard disk then you don't need to "worry" about dodgy downloads...
I've had no problems with any of the sites which cater to the hackintosh community personally (using Opera on OS X), nothing suspicious at all (neither netcraft, phishtank, or Haute has given a warning on any of the sites), nor heard of anything from several other friends who've done the same.
Apple has not really done anything to quell the hackintosh community, and it seems to be tolerated as it will never hit the mainstream (indeed, a large number of hackintosh developers/users end up switching to a "real" Mac so I think it is good marketing for Apple!). But I do reiterate along with 40hz the dubious legality (Psystar is betting they can prove otherwise) of installing Leopard on non-apple hardware. Current EFI emulation means that none of the OS itself needs to be touched, thus it doesn't violate Apple's End User License Agreement... The next version of OS X (Snow Leopard) has been found to work fine using EFI emulation on PC hardware.
Here is a starter article from Lifehacker:
Info on the EFI emulation that means nothing in OS X is "hacked":
InsanelyMac forum:
OSx86 wiki:
An informative forum post at Anandtech:
A USB EFI emulation dongle, allowing standard install from Leopard disk, not too much known about it but it seems to work:
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