Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases
Screenshot aliases using MiniCap
I don't get anything on the clipboard after doing the whole DC forum capture thingie...
The file is saved correctly.... but nothing on the clipboard so can't paste it right away.... any ideas?
I am using Arsclip, don't know if that's interfering with the clipboard feature.
I am basically checking this out to super speed up the screenshot process like you said.... cap & paste file link!
Yes, you're right!
Thanks for reporting. It's designed to capture window to a file, but should probably also copy filename to clipboard!
Will update. Until it's fixed, you can edit the minicap.alias file yourself, and add -clipimagepath to the DC review alias (right before the -exit command).
Actually, come to think of it, I'll make a separate DC forum post command, since the review command should stay as it is. Reason for this is that while making a review you'll most likely want to capture several screenshots, and thus no need to capture filename to clipboard, while for the odd post, -clipimagepath is the way to go.
How about a capture region, autosave, and copy file to clipboard? Useful again for forum posts.
I basically want to be able to quickly insert pics in posts like you said but with different options i guess. Maybe the alias could contain a modifier stating put on clipboard...etc.
--- ---minicap.exe -save -captureregselect -clipimagepath -exit ?
Good ideas!
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