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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

Show us the View Outside Your Window

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Arizona Hot:
4wd: I sent Google Drive links to you as a message.

AutoPano would only detect two panoramas using the first two and second two images, (1441 wasn't included), so cropped and rendered both to TIFF.
Then forced it to include the second panorama and a cropped 1441 in a panorama and edited the control points, rendering out the result to TIFF.

Finally, forced it to include the first panorama and third panorama, edited the control points (the perspective/focal change and not much contrast didn't give a really good optimisation) to end up with the final result:

Show us the View Outside Your Window

I'll upload the final TIFF (~48MB) to OneDrive and send you a link if you like.

Arizona Hot:
I'll upload the final TIFF (~48MB) to OneDrive and send you a link if you like.
-4wd (September 18, 2015, 06:59 AM)
--- End quote ---

Certainly!, I really like what you have done.   :Thmbsup:

A little Vibrance and CLAHE: Surreal added with Sagelight:

Show us the View Outside Your Window

Tends to highlight where the images were merged though.

Arizona Hot:
I believe I have posted links to 2 collections of sunsets which have sunsets as colorful as that.  Should I re-post the links?


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