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Show us the View Outside Your Window

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Arizona Hot:
always enjoy seeing Arizona (I was going to say the desert - but I dont know if it is - would you call it desert?)
-tomos (June 29, 2015, 01:51 PM)
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It doesn't matter. The big thing in these pictures is the sky, not the ground.

Arizona Hot:
Rain clouds wrapped around a mountain.

Show us the View Outside Your Window

There's a wildfire somewhat nearby that is currently spreading about 1.5 miles every 8 minutes. This is probably due in large part to it being over 100 degrees F today, with strong ~12mph winds.

I didn't know it (the smoke) was so close until I came into my office and saw that the light shining onto the curtains from the windows is all brown/orange, making it look like sunset. I looked out the window to see this:

Show us the View Outside Your Window

^ hope it's not going your direction :-/

It looked like sunset at 5PM:

Show us the View Outside Your Window

hope it's not going your direction :-/
-tomos (August 13, 2015, 05:09 PM)
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It is, but there's a fairly large river between us and the fire. I'm pretty sure it won't jump the river. But there are people in the path of the fire who are being evacuated.

So while I'm probably safe, there are people being affected by this. :(

Here's a video of firefighters (unsuccessfully) trying to keep it from jumping over the highway:


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