Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room
Show us the View Outside Your Window
Arizona Hot:
I'm on the Members map. I think that would tell you more than anything I could say.
I'm on the Members map. I think that would tell you more than anything I could say.
-Arizona Hot (June 14, 2011, 12:47 PM)
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Jeez, you're way out there O_O
Arizona Hot:
That's right. The clock says 11:36 PM! I guess that's why they call it the Land of the Midnight Sun
-Deozaan (June 14, 2011, 03:02 AM)
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Yes, and in the winter it's the Land of the Noon Stars.
Arizona Hot:
I'm on the Members map. I think that would tell you more than anything I could say.
-Arizona Hot (June 14, 2011, 12:47 PM)
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Jeez, you're way out there O_O
I'm glad that there is a internet provider which enables me to have a broadband connection here. Otherwise, I would have to use HughesNet like my brother Steven.
-wreckedcarzz (June 14, 2011, 12:48 PM)
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Ughhh, my mom works out in Lichfield Park (about 15 miles west of here, not far at all!) and both Qwest and Cox refuse to run lines from the north side of the road (newly populated over the last couple of years with housing) to the south side (ranch she works at) so she went from AOL (ughhhh :sick:) to HughesNet, against my IMMENSE amount of criticism of them, their crappy service, and insane pricing scheme (instead of my recommendation of a 3G dongle with a cell service provider). She complains all the time.
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