ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > JGPaiva's GridMove and Ahk Tools

GridMove simple grid maker

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I do intend to make this, just haven't had the time to do it yet, unfortunately :(

Until then see this:

jgpaiva and mouser - thanks so much for your quick responses!! 

jgpaiva - I know how it goes ... I'm just glad it's still on your To Do list!

mouser - thanks so much, but there's NO way I can figure all that out!!  :P

This is why I am so looking forward to jgpaiva's wonderful app!

I'll just wait patiently ... knowing that it WILL arrive someday!  LOL!!

Thanks so much,  Shirley   :-*

hey, I've just thought of this now.. so how about.. since I'm pretty lazy right now to make any custom grids, how about making a "GridBuilder" that can easily make some grids.. :D ? Where you could select regions in a window (representing the desktop), as well as set regions..


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