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Fixing windows using gridmove


I am not a programmer and have a simple question to ask on using gridmove.
Q. Is it possible to store the positions and sizes of windows used in a template?
This would certainly ease their reuse and regular use.
I hope that it is possible.
If is possible only with an editor capable of storing its layout position, can someone
please recommend such an editor.
The script has much more value than at first sight is apparent to one using it.
Thanks and regards, forkinpm.

It is not the first time someone requires something like this. Unfortunatelly, no, it's not possible.
You can, however, make your custom grid. It still requires positioning the windows one-by-one, though.

jgpaiva: time to get coding, perhaps? :P

Since a few months ago, I've only been doing bug-fixing for gridmove, no new features unfortunatelly :(
Time really hasn't been on my side, lately. But I'll be finishing my university course by summer this year (I'm now working on my msc thesis), let's see what life brings by that time ;)


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