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OH NO! Its the end of Windows 3.11!

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I love 3.11 WfW. I have a virtual machine set to run it and still play with it sometimes. It's how I cut my teeth with windows. Before that, it was all DOS or some terrible Tandy (RadioShack) thing, the name of which I can no longer remember.
-Darwin (July 11, 2008, 09:05 AM)
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I remember the Tandys. I had a Tandy 1000. It ran DOS. Version 1. Then I got version 2.

When I finally got Windows 3.1 on a new machine, I rigged it so that all the DOS commands were run as if the machine was UNIX. So "ls" was "dir" etc.

Wow. 3.11 is gone. It's about time! :)

oh noez

Carp! I need to find a an old copy of our Windows 3.11 diskettes so I can set up a VM and play old DOS games that don't work with DOSbox.

Carp! I need to find a an old copy of our Windows 3.11 diskettes so I can set up a VM and play old DOS games that don't work with DOSbox.-Deozaan (July 11, 2008, 11:38 AM)
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*sigh* i wish i could have more time to play ye olde games. ;D

Carp! I need to find a an old copy of our Windows 3.11 diskettes so I can set up a VM and play old DOS games that don't work with DOSbox.
-Deozaan (July 11, 2008, 11:38 AM)
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why would you need Windows 3.11? can't you play those DOS games in... well, DOS? :P


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