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IDEA: use key to constrain mouse movements to horizontal/vertical

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 :) I've just updated DragLock to work properly with the Windows key, and also added options to change the hotkey.


:) Try DragLock!

DragLock - Press the windows key to lock the mouse movement along one axis
-skrommel (July 10, 2008, 04:01 PM)
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nice icon too Skrommel :up: - looks a bit like a medieval church floor tile ...
will give it a run across the tiles tomorrow :-)

apologies for delay - that works a treat
Thanks Skrommel

btw, I like the icon so much I use the exe instead of the AHK file ;D

This AHK script is nearly perfect, but it doesn't for my intended purposes in MS OneNote. Basically, this is exactly the software I'm looking for so that in MS OneNote I can do straight underlines and highlights in the horizontal axis with my wacom pen tablet.

Using the wacom mouse, it works. Higlights and lines are drawn straight.
Using the wacom pen, it doesn't. The cursor moves along a horizontal or vertical axis, but the line/highlight that is ultimately drawn is all over the place.

Any ideas?

:) I've just updated DragLock to work properly with the Windows key, and also added options to change the hotkey.-skrommel (August 02, 2008, 04:50 PM)
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You neglected to list any system requirements for this (or any of your programs), so I tried using it on my old Windows 98SE system. It ran and there were no errors, but it does absolutely nothing. I tried changing it to every possible hotkey and none of them affect the mouse movement in any way.


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