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Startup Delayer

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-version 3 will apparently overwrite version 2:-Curt (May 17, 2011, 08:26 AM)
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Yes, but will it overwrite the initial settings, I mean the different delays of the programs. If so there must be a file I could save to put it back after installation of the 3.0 and overwrite the initial settings of the 3.0.  

Also I see in the premium version of the 3 that it can launch applications on a schedule. What does that exactly mean, c'se I tought the 3 standard does that to otherwise there wouldn't be a delay. What exactly is on a schedule ?

Is the "waiting for time to pass" issue fixed. I've mentioned it b4. Allthough it's still present in my actual version and blocking the normal use of startup delayer, since the message remains in the "waiting for time to pass" state and thus preventing all the programs in the delayer to start.

I fixed that by starting my Delayer manually half a minute or more after the startup of my computer.

It is because the startup del;ayer itself was blocked from starting up in a normal way at startup (other programs that were starting up together with the Delayer could have prevented that)

So if this issue isn't fixed in the 3.0 version maybe there should be an option to delay Startup Delayer itself after startup, thus preventing other programs at startup to block Startup Delayer itself (and causing the message waiting for time to pass). Maybe some *.bat file could do the job independently from Startup Delayer itself.

As I told now I start the delayer manually some time after startup.  

Thank you

-I find it hard to understand why you kept using Startup Delayer at all - there are plenty with similar programs that are working well. My only advice will be to remove version 2 completely, and try out version 3.

@ JimB:

Why I got frustrated with Soluto?

* Inconsistent startups (sometimes 2 minutes, sometimes 10 minutes)
* Sometimes it reports that the startup process is finished, but it continues for next minutes
* Some applications sometimes didn't start at all, or after two hours
* No way to control the order of launched apps
* No way to search for the application in the GUI window (sorted by loading time, not alphabetically)
* Running all the time in background
* From time to time it periodically uses 20-30% CPU time and needs to be killed
None of these apply to SD3. For my setup (on two different machines) it was just a long-awaited godsend.

-I find it hard to understand why you kept using Startup Delayer at all - there are plenty with similar programs that are working well. My only advice will be to remove version 2 completely, and try out version 3.-Curt (May 17, 2011, 11:16 AM)
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Why I keep using Startup Delayer ? Similar programs can not do what Startup Delayer does. I've tried 2 other programs b4 and they make a mess of it. I agree that was a few years ago. In the meantime there could be others perhaps, but why should I even try them, when SUD does for me what I need.


* Inconsistent startups (sometimes 2 minutes, sometimes 10 minutes)-yksyks (May 17, 2011, 03:53 PM)
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True, but that was also the case without Soluto and it's Vista itself causing this.

* Sometimes it reports that the startup process is finished, but it continues for next minutes-yksyks (May 17, 2011, 03:53 PM)
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Also true it's not that the window closes immediately. The program might as well say the startup process is finished while in fact it is still closing.

* Some applications sometimes didn't start at all, or after two hours-yksyks (May 17, 2011, 03:53 PM)
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They wouldn't start either w.o Soluto

* No way to control the order of launched apps-yksyks (May 17, 2011, 03:53 PM)
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That's where Startup Delayer comes in handy.

* No way to search for the application in the GUI window (sorted by loading time, not alphabetically)-yksyks (May 17, 2011, 03:53 PM)
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Not necessary. There are other programs that can do this job.

* Running all the time in background-yksyks (May 17, 2011, 03:53 PM)
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You can disable it. I agree with you that I do.t understand why it should still run in the BG after the startup process is finished  

* From time to time it periodically uses 20-30% CPU time and needs to be killed-yksyks (May 17, 2011, 03:53 PM)
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Wasn't aware of that, but I might check that out.

None of these apply to SD3. For my setup (on two different machines) it was just a long-awaited godsend.-yksyks (May 17, 2011, 03:53 PM)
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SD3 was not intended and can in no way handle programs that start up hidden, and there are a few dozen. Besides that if you look inside SUD at the list of programs that start up without delay, you can only choose between these one's to delay. You have no idea how many other programs an services that start hidden, and believe me the list is long. Soluto handles those in a way to sort them out and as it were to let one start b4 another but w.o a delay (what Startup Delayer does with the one's in the list that are not hidden).


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