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Startup Delayer

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I've been using this startupdelayer for quite some time now, however there's one serious bug that still is present with every update.

From time to time when using the graphic display, at the very start of the program I get (at the place where the graphic display shows the different programs that startup in sequence) the message "Waiting for time to pass ....". This remains so and nothing happens; no programs start, not even manually. The only thing I can do is reboot, sometimes I even have to reboot twice. I think that when that message appears it means that even startupdelayer won't start.

- I have seen that a few times, earlier, but I am not sure it entirely is Startup Delayer's fault. Anti-spyware etcetera seems to also play a role. I you haven't done so already, I will recommend you to add Startup Dealyer to Trusted or whatever it may be called, wherever.

Also check via a task/process manager, if at PC start you have some anti-virus etcetera updating or scanning that could be taking all the CPU, when Startup Delayer was supposed to begin launching.

Thanks, you mean you've seen in some other posts, or you've experienced it yourself ? Anyway I also start my Antivirus and Firewall delayed. In fact when this bug appears (and that's about 1 time out of 3 times after a reboot), everything locks, also nothing appears in the systray of the other programs that start without delay.

Startup Delayer

It's of course possible because of the fact that StartUpDelayer doesn't start, it might as well be that no other program would start if startup delayer wasn't used. That's why it should be possible for the program to move all programs out of the delayer with one click. Now if you disable the delayer program at start up no program from the delay list will start.

- Sadly it was an experience from my own setup. The problem stopped when I removed certain programs, but I didn't tell this in my previous post because I can't remember which programs it were, other than they were causing instability in general.

Also, upgrading Outpost Firewall to Outpost Security Suite Pro  helped a lot in general. The suite is easier on the system.

@ JimB. When posting here at DC, please upload any images to 'our' server here at DC, not to third-party sites. Click "preview" to find the proper way before posting.

Well as far as some programs being the cause, I have my doubts because like you saw in my screenshot, there's hardly any program starting b4 this happens in the graphic display. Instead of the usual programs one just gets this "waiting for time to pass". And this remains that way and there's only one thing left to do and that's reboot again.

Also I never will use these AIO's. Outpost firewall is good, but that doesn't mean their security suite is good. Most products are only good or the best in one category. Also once a product is one of the best of it's kind, the manufacturers atract users to also get their other products and most of all their AIO's. It's been proved over and over again this works. I would advise not to fall in that trap, because rarely their other products are of the same high quality.

But anyway thank's for the advise. On the other hand I can't the links for an upgrade to a newer version of SD to work ...


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