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Advice on fixing a boot problem with XP Pro

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"Dynamic Disk" means it uses GUID-style partitions, instead of the old partition table system that has been used for... well, since the dawn of time. It's an option when you add a new unpartitioned disk to a system, Windows will ask you if you want to initialize it as a dynamic disk or not. 3rd-party tool support for DD's isn't very widespread, afaik.-f0dder
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Thanks for the input.  I wondered if the dynamic thing was why Acronis wouldn't see that drive (the rest of the system did; disk management, explorer et al).

5 hours to get 20gigs of data? Sounds like the drive was running in PIO mode, or extremely full of bad sectors...-f0dder
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For a while I thought someone had swapped in an 8088 as a joke  :)

Not PIO, no IDE devices but everything's set for DMA  -- I checked there just in case.  It's a SATA drive.  Something else was going on.  Transfer rate is where you'd expect now I've reverted from dynamic and reformatted the drive 'from scratch'. 


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